A conscious approach to leadership coaching
I work with individuals and organizations to help them know themselves. This is known as “way of being” coaching.
Leadership coaching:
I provide a safe, non-judgmental container in which to do this work.
I listen, observe, mirror, ask questions, and invite inquiry.
I act as a sounding board on strategic matters.
I assist in identifying underlying (and undermining) narratives, and invite experiments with new narratives and processes in order to help clients usher in new ways of being.
I help clients become more aligned, effective leaders by helping them attune to themselves, their teams, and their environment, and thus respond from their true selves in any situation.
As effective leaders they, in turn, help create safe, supportive, obstacle-free containers, in which the best work can be done.
Thus they get themselves and their organizations where they want to go.
Polyamory coaching:
In addition to all of the above…
I invite inquiry into client’s relationship beliefs.
I support clients in creating non-judgemental and blame-free containers for their relationships.
I help clients understand and navigate the landscape of open relating.
I help clients understand and work through possessiveness and jealousy.
I help clients navigate their feelings, access their needs, and consider requests that might help them get their needs met.
I help clients practice taking responsibility for their own feelings.
I help clients understand the impacts of relationship hierarchies.
I help clients relate with their partners with joy, no matter what the relationship container.
By doing this work and knowing and facing all parts of ourselves with calm, courage, and loving kindness, we release blocks, move towards wholeness and harmony, thus ushering in a new kind of power in which we are open to our own mystery and to our own success.
While the results of coaching vary by client, these are the types of outcomes clients often report:
new insights and understanding about themselves, their roles, and their paths, which lead to…
increased confidence
increased hope and optimism
greater alignment with their abilities, strengths, and joys, which leads to…
greater capacity and capability, which lead to…
a multiplication of effectiveness and productivity
identifying and addressing derailing behaviors, which leads to…
increased self-compassion and self-support, which lead to…
greater compassion and support for, and from, the rest of the organization, which lead to…
greatly reduced friction within oneself and out in the world, which leads to…
increased quality of work and quality of life
Nik Schulz
Leadership Coach
My practice is based in the Pacific Northwest north of Seattle. Please reach out by email: hello@beneficialcoaching.com.